March 10, 2011


Bella Domicile is one of the leading kitchen and bath design firms in the greater Madison, WI area. Discerning homeowners in South Central Wisconsin have been turning to Bella Domicile for nearly 50 years for award-winning kitchens and baths, for quality cabinets that provide a multitude of storage solutions, and for remodeling projects that improve function with furniture- grade cabinets in any room.
The thought of remodeling a home can be a scary process. We at Bella Domicile recognize this fact and that it can put a lot of pressure on homeowners.  Taking the pressures and frustrations out of the process and creating a fun journey along the way is the purpose of this blog.
We want to provide information that can help homeowners make sound decisions about their projects and to feel confident about those decisions.  Educating the public about the process of remodeling or building a new kitchen, bath, office or any room, is the number one priority for Bella Domicile.  We want to create trusting relationships with our clients.
We hope this blog will answer questions customers may have and we hope it creates questions to ask.  We want to give ideas and share ideas about what to do with your next project.