Don't Leave Your Child On The Curb
When attempting to make pita chips to go with supper, you open your
too small cabinet, and a bunch of spices come tumbling down. As you are
scrambling around to pick them up, you forget about the pita chips in
the oven and burn them to the point that the fire alarm is triggered.
When the fire alarm goes off, your dog goes crazy and starts racing
around the house, barking hysterically. As you try to let your dog out,
the dog trips you and you crash into the chair and hit your head. When
you go to the freezer to get some ice for your head, the doorbell rings.
You answer the door and find some random jogger guy standing there
holding your dog telling you your dog was chasing him.
As you apologize profusely and take your dog back in the house, you see the mail truck across the street and you realize you forgot to put an important check in the mail- and it's due TODAY- so you scramble to get your check in the envelope. You open your overstuffed drawer in the kitchen and ransack through it to find a stamp and after 5 minutes of not finding one, you see the mail truck pass your house.
As you realize you now have to make a trip to the post office AND you'll need to swing through the drive-thru to pick up dinner, the phone rings. It's the school. You have forgotten to pick up your child. Because, let's face it- it's time for a new kitchen.
Don't leave your child out on the curb; remodel your kitchen with Bella Domicile.
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As you apologize profusely and take your dog back in the house, you see the mail truck across the street and you realize you forgot to put an important check in the mail- and it's due TODAY- so you scramble to get your check in the envelope. You open your overstuffed drawer in the kitchen and ransack through it to find a stamp and after 5 minutes of not finding one, you see the mail truck pass your house.
As you realize you now have to make a trip to the post office AND you'll need to swing through the drive-thru to pick up dinner, the phone rings. It's the school. You have forgotten to pick up your child. Because, let's face it- it's time for a new kitchen.
Don't leave your child out on the curb; remodel your kitchen with Bella Domicile.
What's your story?
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