Sunday was the first day of spring and here in Madison it came in with a bang. We had thunder storms all day and not a bit of sunshine. Spring was still in the air and coming through every window of my home. I could looked out in the yard and see the tulips and crocuses popping up through the mulch. I just love this time of year!
When spring arrives, the phrase heard around the neighborhood is: “it’s spring cleaning time” and Sunday was the perfect day for it. First we started upstairs in the bedrooms and then made our way downstairs to the basement. It was a day of deciding to store or keep toddler clothes, organizing toys, tossing out old papers and taking items too Goodwill.
Spring cleaning helps me figure out the best way of organizing the new items in the house. I found out that this year I will need more shelving in the closets. There tends to be a lot of wasted space above the typical top shelf in a closet. I love to maximize every inch possible with stagered shelving for less used items and folded clothing. In my young son’s closet where hanging clothes isn’t a must yet, I am installing adjustable shelves on one half for toys and games, while the other half is for clothes and linens.

Closets are not just the shelf and rod type anymore and in fact some homes have upgraded their clostets to a room-like status with specialized storage systems. Installing cabinetry into the closet area is becoming more and more of the trend with home owner’s wanting to get out of the utilitarian cave-like feel. It is not a place to shove stuff into, but a personal space to spend time in.
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