June 15, 2011

Lori's Weekly Bella Bling

Item: Two Tiered Cutlery Divider

Rating: 3 Carats

Last week we looked at the wood cutlery divider which has movable dividers for ease of organization. This week I am featuring my 3 carat rated two tiered cutlery divider.

The 2 tiers double the amount of cutlery storage and give great flexibility as to what I can store on each level. The top "shelf" glides front to back on smooth operating metal glides giving you access to the items below. I can store my everyday cutlery on the top, then slide the unit back and that is where you will find my serving spoons, steak knives, openers, the list is endless.

Next week we will move on to great, unique spice storage. Spice storage can be in drawers, wall cabinets and base cabinets.